Terry Una Lee Phillips died after a year-long farewell to friends and family.
With the help of family and friends,
she was able to stay in her own home.
Cared for at the end by Ron Phillips
and their children Sastun and Alina
with help from the Vancouver Island Health Authority
and its many caring and dependable employees.
Alina and Sastun live with their father
Alina and Sastun live with their father
not far from their former home in Cobble Hill.
Tina is back in Maine with husband Dan & daughter Angelica.
Rose has sold the Cheerhope home
and lives in a small brick house in Sylva,
across the road from the City Lights bookstore and Cafe.
Marie lives with her friend Jim, also in Sylva.
Ron Lee has moved to Ashville for the dancing;
Forrest & Betty Clapp have moved into an apartment
where they have access to assistance with health and meals when needed.
Time changes all, and all are changed.
Time changes all, and all are changed.